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吴 超
发布日期:2019-09-26  浏览次数:

1. 2018年国家自然科学基金项目: 考虑全球价值链攀升的中国低碳创新扩散机制及应对策略研究(项目负责人,在研)
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,考虑绿色金融投资的中国生态创新绩效攀升机制研究(项目负责人,在研)
3. 2018年国家自然科学基金项目:多层网络视角下能源跨区域转移的优化配置与政策研究(排名第二,在研)
1. Chao Wu, Keunyeob Oh, Xingle Long, Jing Zhang, Effect of installed capacity size on environmental efficiency across 528 thermal power stations in North China, [J] Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019
2. Chao Wu, Keunyeob Oh, The effects of technology gap between FDI firms and domestic firms on the technology spillovers, [J] Journal of Economics and Management, 2019, 41(2): 243-266
3. Chao Wu, Keunyeob Oh. Technology Spillover Effects of FDI on Total Factor Productivity: Using Firm Data of Korean Manufacturing. [J] Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, 2017, Vol. 22
4. Chao Wu, Qiwen Gao, Keunyeob Oh. The Effects of FDI in China Focusing on Green Total Factor Productivity, [J]Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, 2014, Vol. 19
5. Xingle Long, Chao Wu, Jijian Zhang, Jing Zhang. Environmental efficiency for 192 thermal power plants in the Yangtze River Delta considering heterogeneity: a metafrontier directional slacks-based measure approach. [J] Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018,82: 3962-3971
6. Xingle Long, Yusen Luo, Chao Wu, Jijian Zhang, The influencing factors of CO2 emission intensity of Chinese agriculture from 1997 to 2014, [J] Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 2018, 25(13): 13093-13101
7. Yusen Luo, Xingle Long, Chao Wu*, Jijian Zhang. Decoupling CO2 emissions from economic growth in agricultural sector across 30 Chinese provinces from 1997 to 2014. [J] Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 159: 220-228
8. Yan Liu, Chao Wu, Keunyeob Oh, An empirical study of the relationship between export and environmental performance in Chinese industries, [J] Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies, 2017, 29(4):51-79
9. Ran Cheng, Chao Wu, Keunyeob Oh, The Effects of Foreign Bank Entry on the Productivity of Chinese Banks, [J] Journal of Economic Studies, 2017, 35:23-42
10. Jinman Yoo, Chao Wu, Keunyeob Oh, Relationships between Polarization and Openness in Korean Economy, [J] Asian Social Science, 2015, 11(24):79-89

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