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School of Finance and Economics Organizes Farming Education Practices
Date:2024-06-21  View:

On June 14, the School of Finance and Economics (SFE) organized nearly 20 Chinese and international students to visit Yiping Village in Jiangxinzhou, Zhenjiang City, for an educational practice activity themed "Peach Fragrance Connecting China and Abroad, Fostering Affection for Agriculture."

On the day of the event, international students from Ghana, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, and other countries, along with Chinese students, entered the peach orchard to participate in peach picking. Under the guidance of experienced farmers, the students learned about peach tree cultivation techniques, fruit-picking methods, and the daily management of the orchard. Dressed in uniform work clothes and holding picking baskets, they moved through the peach trees, picking ripe fruits with their own hands. This process not only allowed the students to experience the joy of labor but also deepened their understanding and respect for agricultural work.

"This is a valuable learning experience," said joelle, an international student from Côte d'Ivoire, excitedly. "Through first-hand experience, I have come to better understand how difficult it is to produce food and I have gained more respect for the hard work of agricultural laborers. At the same time, this activity also makes me love Chinese culture more."

Chinese student Zhu Mengying also shared her feelings, "This activity made me deeply appreciate the hard work of the farmers, and made me have a deeper feeling for our agricultural culture. The exchanges with my international classmates also made me more proud to introduce our Chinese culture to them."

This farming education and practice activity was not just an agricultural experience, but also a cultural exchange journey. It provided Chinese and international students the opportunity to step out of the classroom and into the fields, to experience the charm of traditional Chinese agriculture firsthand, and to feel the unique flavor of Chinese culture. At the same time, it also promoted mutual understanding and respect between Chinese and foreign students and strengthened their friendly feelings towards China.

In the future, the School of Finance and Economics will continue to enrich the construction of the second classroom, and further implant the "Chinese cultural confidence" into the students' hearts to show the beauty of China and tell a good Chinese story.

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